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Homeopaths Without Borders (HWB) work continues in Haiti

hwcHWB first went to Haiti following the devastating 2010 earthquake to help nationals with their emergency needs. Once the initial crisis was over, they began to teach Haitians how to use homeopathy to take care of their own communities.

There are now 34 HWB graduates, called Homéopathes Communautaires (HC), some of whom have also graduated from the recent first-ever class of Homeopathy for Birth Attendants. The HCs are also using homeopathy in the treatment and prevention of a current Chikungunya epidemic, and data from this epidemic is being collected.

The next step for HWB is to help Haiti become fully independent in homeopathy. A trip is planned for November in which local pharmacists and HCs will be taught how to manufacture homeopathic remedies so they will always have access to what they need. To make this independence a reality, donations are needed. Please read the latest HWB newsletter at the following link and consider helping them out. What is a little for us means a lot for the locals and the team.

More Information: Homeopaths Without Borders