What is Isopathy?

Peanuts for peanut allergy? Lead for lead poisoning? You may be thinking of the isopathic approach. Here's an overview.

Q: Are Any Homeopathic Remedies Made from Pork?

A: Traditional homeopathic remedies don't contain porcine (pig) components but some newer potentised remedies may.

Homeopathic Doses for All Ages

Q. How much of a remedy should I give? Here are our recommendations for big and little people, and the reason why the size of the dose is a minor variable during treatment.

Q: What do Numbers and Letters After Remedy Names Mean?

The active ingredients of remedies can't be measured by weight, volume or amount so homeopathy turns to ancient Rome for a little help.

Airport X-Rays and Remedies

Do airport x-ray machines and scanners affect homeopathic remedies? Here's the answer and the accompanying research.

Q. Homeopathy for Fish?

Fish also respond to the correct remedy. Rather than trying to drop a pill down a wriggling fish's mouth though, try this.

Q. What Potency Should I Choose?

These guidelines offer information on which homeopathic potency is best for home use, and why.

Q. What is Tautopathy?

Tautopathy, like homeopathy, reduces or prevents drug side-effects. It provides a quick and simple response to symptoms while homeopathy also treats underlying susceptibility.

Q. Carbo Veg – a ‘Corpse Reviver’?

“Carb-v is prepared from vegetable charcoal. It is best known for its seemingly miraculous ability in some circumstances to revive people or animals close to death.”