Arsenicum – Is it a Cockroach Deterrent?

Cockroaches! No one likes them and everyone wants to get rid of them. Maybe homeopathy can help? Here's one possible remedy.

Angie’s Belladonna Flu

The flu hit Angie fast. Her high fever, throbbing headache, glistening eyes, hot flushed face, and its rapid onset suited Belladonna. Here's what happened next.

Snake Venom, White Clots, and Homeopathy

There have been two controversial claims about COVID-19 and its associated shot: snake venom poisoning and white worm-like blood clots. What's the connection with homeopathy?

Know Your Remedies: Plumbum Metallicum (Plb.)

Symptoms improve with rubbing the areas, warmth, bending double, or hard pressure. The person may also have deep furrows or jowl lines on the face and crave fried food.

Law of Similars Discovered

Have you ever wondered how homeopathy came into being? The answer lies with German polymath, a text on malaria, and a poorly understood law of nature.

Wheat and Dairy Allergy

Two main reasons people give for using homeopathy is that it’s safe and that it works. But what about those with a wheat or dairy intolerance – can they still use remedies?

Homeopathic Pills

Offer 1: Plumbum Metallicum (Plb.) 30C Pills – 70% Off!

(Each week we run three significant specials with our news in our weekday and/or weekly newsletters. To be notified of them, subscribe at Homeopathy Plus – News and Quick-bits.) Build […]

Offer 2: 20% Off 10 Different General & Miscellaneous Complexes

(Each week we run three significant specials with our news in our weekday and/or weekly newsletters. To be notified of them, subscribe at Homeopathy Plus – News and Quick-bits.) Until […]

Offer 3: Essential Prescriber Booklets – Just $9.95 Each

The 72-page Essential Remedy Prescriber booklet is normally included with the 42 Essential Remedy Kit but by itself, it’s a simple and inexpensive way to learn what homeopathy is, and how […]