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Homeopathy for farms and gardens

iStock_000020502164SmallHomeopathy is an amazingly versatile form of treatment that is used for plants as well as people and animals. Recently we’ve had a number of questions on how to use it for diseases, pests and deficiencies in garden plants. If you have been wondering about this too the Agrohomeopathy section of our website has lots of information such as:

-“Ask Kaviraj” articles (Kaviraj is no longer with us but his answers to reader’s questions live on at Ask Kaviraj.
– An agrohomeopathy repertory, which allows you to find the best remedy to treat your plants
– Dosage guidelines and instructions on applying the remedies
– The ‘Top Four’ agrohomeopathic remedies

Plus much more.

An extensive range of agrohomeopathic remedies is available in our online store.

More Information: Homeopathy for farms and gardens