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Provings make homeopathy effective and safe

20484_1026207277409047_9185725265238100964_nHow do homeopaths work out what different remedies treat? With provings… and the UK Alliance of Registered Homeopaths explain what they are and how they’re done.

“We learn about the finer details of our remedies by running what is called a ‘proving’. A proving is where a group of healthy volunteers take a homeopathically prepared substance over a period of time. Not everyone will react but if a prover is sensitive to the substance, they will eventually exhibit symptoms.”

The word ‘proving’ is an old term, still used, for the modern title of ‘pathogenetic trial’. Whatever you call the process, it provides a reliable and safe way to find out what substances treat.

More Information: Homeopathy. Provings make this medical therapy effective and safe