Essential Remedy Kit Information

This sturdy kit is small enough to carry in your handbag, glovebox or travel bag, but versatile enough to deal with common problems that happen in the home or when travelling.

It comes with a 72-page booklet with clear and easy-to-follow instructions to help you find the right remedy quickly.

Contains 42 key remedies commonly used to treat: Anxiety, Arthritic & Rheumatic Pain, Abscesses, Bites and Stings, Boils and Abscesses, Back, Burns, Chickenpox, Cold Sores, Colds, Constipation, Coughs, Cystitis, Diarrhoea, Earache, Fear, Fever, Grief, Hangover, Hayfever, Headaches, Indigestion, Influenza, Injuries, Measles, Morning sickness, Mumps, Nausea, Nosebleeds, Period Pains, Puncture wounds, Pregnancy Sickness, Sciatica, Shingles, Sinusitis, Sleep, Sore Throat, Sprains, Teething, Toothache, Travel Sickness

Remedies included in the kit: 1. Aconite; 2. Allium Cepa; 3. Ant Tart; 4. Apis Mel; 5. Argent Nit; 6. Arnica; 7. Arsen Alb; 8. Belladonna; 9. Bryonia; 10. Calc Carb; 11. Calendula; 12. Cantharis; 13. Carbo Veg; 14. Chamomilla; 15. China; 16. Cocculus; 17. Drosera; 18. Euphrasia; 19. Ferrum Phos; 20. Gelsemium; 21. Hepar Sulph; 22. Hypericum; 23. Ignatia; 24. Ipecac; 25. Kali Bich; 26. Lachesis; 27. Ledum; 28. Lycopodium; 29. Mag Phos; 30. Merc sol; 31. Mixed Pollens; 32. Nat Mur; 33. Nux Vom; 34. Passiflora Co; 35. Phosphorus; 36. Pulsatilla; 37. Rhus Tox; 38. Ruta; 39. Sepia; 40. Silica; 41. Staphisagria; 42. Sulphur

Special Price: $152.50AU
