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Lack of Confidence and Learning Difficulties 1

Lack of Confidence and Learning Difficulties

Mitchell was a nine-year-old boy who hated school. Writing was difficult and concentration was poor. Homeopathy made a big difference.

Homeopathy Used In Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 2

Homeopathy Used In Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Patients given this homeopathic remedy had less mucus, shorter times on respirators, fewer respiratory complications and faster ICU discharges. But which remedy was it?

Preliminary responses from the Helix tosta survey 3

Preliminary responses from the Helix tosta survey

"Half of respondents said Helix tosta produced an ‘excellent’ result. Others classified the result as ‘good’". That was just part of what they said.

Return of Old Symptoms 4

Return of Old Symptoms

Marie was grateful that her menopausal symptoms had improved with homeopathy but past problems such as shoulder pain and hay fever had returned. Why?

Q. Homeopathy and Medicines 5

Q. Homeopathy and Medicines

Homeopathic remedies and conventional drugs work in different ways and at different levels. How does that affect the safety and progress of treatment if both are taken together? 

US Threat: Protect Homeopathy 6

US Threat: Protect Homeopathy

Proposed regulations by the FDA will ban whole categories of homeopathic products. A national and international response is needed. Act now before it's too late.

The Homeopathic Management of Dengue Fever 7

The Homeopathic Management of Dengue Fever

The Indian Government's CCRH report on dengue fever / dengue haemorrhagic fever provides comprehensive information on its management and homeopathic treatment or prevention.

Homeopathic Research Studies 8

Homeopathic Research Studies

Looking for a website with homeopathic studies on conditions such as gastritis, insomnia, nervous system disorders, inflammatory problems, and more. Here's one. 

Three Scales of Potency 9

Three Scales of Potency

Homeopathic remedies are prepared according to three scales: the centesimal scale, the decimal scale and the quinquagintamillesimal scale (and yes, that’s a real word!) Are you curious about what the […]