Remedies for Cold Sores
These 9 remedies suit cold sores and their symptoms - neuralgic pains, crusting, cracking and bleeding, numbness, sores triggered by stimulants, and other symptoms.
Homeopathy for Wendy’s Stomach Pain
9-year-old Wendy's stomach pain was accompanied by nausea, chilliness, pale and clammy face and a headache over her right eye.
Remedy Suggestions for Amnesia
Struggling to recall information? Whether temporary or chronic, homeopathy can help strengthen the brain's ability to remember. These remedies are among those most useful.
Homeopathy for Bunions
Learn how bunions are caused and which remedies help their varied symptoms of tearing pain, swelling, aggravated by walking, tingling or burning pain, and more.
Homeopathy for Addisons Disease
This disease, though considered incurable, may have its development arrested by the proper remedy. Learn more about its symptoms and remedy suggestions.
5 Best Remedies for Chilblains
Do you dread winter because of the pain and itchiness of chilblains? Dread no more. Dr Sharma lists five of the best homeopathic remedies for this unpleasant condition.
Homeopathy and Plantar Fasciitis
The conventional and homeopathic approaches to this painful problem are compared. A list of helpful remedies and relevant homeopathic studies are provided.
Remedies for Enlarged Adenoids
Homeopaths look to at least 30 different remedies for the treatment of enlarged adenoids, some used more than others. Discover which ones and the symptoms they suit.
Acne and homeopathy
Do you know the main remedy for acne? Here it is, along with 9 other helpful ones for this annoying problem; just match the remedy to your symptoms to wave your acne goodbye.