Remedies for Plants and Animals

Learn which remedies strengthen plants in the early Spring, cure white or grey mould on leaves, treat anxiety, fevers and bronchitis in horses, and more.

Remedies for Stuttering

Stuttering when tired, excited, or anxious? Perhaps the stammering was triggered by shock or fright, or is associated with muscle cramps. One of these key remedies may help.

Alex and His Remedy

Alex the cat was withdrawn, lacked confidence and was over-licking his skin to the point of creating sores. Read which remedy chosen and how it helped.

Remedies for Infant Skin

Homeopathy is a safer option for managing types of dermatitis, eczema, cradle cap, heat or diaper/nappy rash, and other irritating and persistent skin problems of infants.

Morning Sickness & Pregnancy

“Choose one of the remedies below that most closely fits the symptoms at hand, and for most moms, if the remedy is taken twice daily for 1-10 days, there’s often a nice shift.”

Homeopathy for Carpal Tunnel

“An effective homeopathic treatment can save you from surgeons knife…” says this doctor. He shares four remedies which, when symptoms match, relieve carpel tunnel syndrome.

Study: Homeopathy in PCOS

"This observational study demonstrated the effectiveness, safety and feasibility of homeopathic remedies in reducing PCOS symptoms in women."

Small Remedy, Big Symptoms

Homeopathy has many ‘little’ remedies with exciting areas of action. One rarely used one helped this man with fluttering sensations in the heart and protruding veins.

Recipe: Arnica Salves.

Potentisation increases the effectiveness and safety of a remedy but crude herbal doses work as well. Here are simple instructions for creating arnica and cayenne pepper salves