Sugar-pills for Diabetes?
A homeopathic doctor lists some of the remedies he uses for diabetes-related symptoms such as weakness, visual disturbances, numbness, ulcers, and more.
Cocculus for ‘Snow White’
Looking after 7 family members had taken a toll on this grandma. She was bed-ridden, lacked appetite, was weak in the knees and had stubborn mucus. Cocculus worked wonders!
Remedies for Varicose Veins
Compare and contrast the conventional and homeopathic approach to swollen and sore veins. A list of useful remedies and a link to related research is included.
Homeopathy and Bronchitis
Compare the conventional and homeopathic approach to acute and chronic bronchitis. A list of useful remedies and a link to relevant research is included.
Remedies for Clostridium Difficile
If diarrhoea, offensive stools, or greenish mucus follows antibiotics it could be caused by a nasty 'bug' such as Clostridium difficile. Homeopathy helps.
Remedies for Fainting
Repeated fainting may be associated with restlessness, a feeling of impending doom, shock, joy, grief, bad news, hysteria ... or several other symptoms. Homeopathy can help.
Remedies for Varicose Veins
How will you manage them - conventionally or with homeopathy? Here's a useful comparison article with homeopathic remedies and relevant research.
Homeopathy and Warts
Sometimes the location of a wart points to a suitable remedy. Here's a repertorial list of remedies for warts based on where they appear.
Why Homeopathy for Diarrhoea?
Compare the homeopathic and conventional approach to this inconvenient and distressing problem. A list of useful remedies and links to related research are included.