Homeopathic approach to macular degeneration
A homeopathic ophthalmologist explains his approach to macular degeneration by treatment cases and helpful remedies.
Homeopathy for Heatstroke
Heatstroke causes a flushed face, severe headache, collapse, and organ damage. These first-aid remedies can be considered.
Punky’s Cataract – A Miracle or Just Homeopathy?
Punky the guinea pig had lumps and a cataract which resolved quick-smart with homeopathy. A young owner was very happy.
Fertility problemsā¦ then homeopathy
Sara had been seeing a fertility specialist, Kate suffered a miscarriage, and Leslie had been on the pill for 12 years.
Confident mothering
"... this mum had cured her daughter without fuss. Just four tiny pills in the hands of a knowledgeable mum."
Arnica for Rhinoplasty?
Bruising and swelling are to be expected following a 'nose job'. Plastic surgeons often use Arnica but does it help?
Septicaemia Symptoms
This systemic infection causes fever, delirium, chills, sweat, and often, death. Here's 19 important remedies to keep in mind.
Escape the Insect Bites with Homeopathy
Here's a list of useful remedies to manageĀ the pain and itch of insect bites, and links to related research.
Parents Take Note – Remedies for Head Lice
Compare the homeopathic and conventional approach to head lice management. A helpful list of remedies provided.