Homeopathy for Acne

The homeopathic approach to acne covers symptoms such as pustules, cold-sensitivity, hard, scabs, itching, and more.

When a Cold Hits… Hit Back!

Whether you’re suffering from body aches, sniffles, fevers, headaches, stuffiness or more, there’s a remedy for it.

Homeopathy for Your Anxiety

At your wit’s end before a big event? Suffering from nervous diarrhoea? Fearful of heights? Here's a list of remedies.

Homeopathy for PTSD

PTSD, dread of ordeals, fear of death, repeated checking? Compare homeopathic and conventional treatment options.

A Case of Meniere’s Disease

“My boss is irrational. He’s unpredictable ... it feeds into my feelings of performance anxiety and failure.”

Alice’s Eczema Story

Alice had severe eczema that was impacting her life and when allopathic medicines didn't help she turned to homeopathy.

Homeopathy for Mental Health

Homeopathy has long since been used in mental health. This list of 21 remedies explores the range of symptoms it helps.

Blood Sugar Control and Remdies

A doctor provides information on diabetes and lists helpful homeopathic remedies for associated symptoms.

Remedies for Bed-wetting

Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) responds to homeopathy but with so many potential remedies, how do you choose the best?