Homeopathy for Ear Troubles
Do you or your children experience recurring ear pain? This doctor presents 10 key remedies homeopaths use for the all-too-common problem of ear pain.
Motor Neurone Disease (MND)
There's still no cure for MND but homeopathic remedies match and have relieved symptoms of paralysis, spasms, difficult speech and swallowing, and more.
Saccharum officinale for ASDs
It may come as a surprise, or not, but sugar cane has become a frequently indicated homeopathic remedy for children with spectrum disorders. Is it a panacea for all, though?
Homeopathy and Chest Pain
A doctor discusses the presentation, investigation and treatment of angina pectoris including the homeopathic remedies she uses and their indications.
Cystitis: Treatment Options Compared
Burning, aching, urging, frequency, and if particularly severe, blood-stained urine. This article looks at conventional and homeopathic options for these and other symptoms.
Homeopathy for Haemorrhoids
The homeopathic and conventional approach to haemorrhoids is compared. A list of helpful remedies and links to relevant research is provided.
Remedies and Hair Problems
Discover sixteen remedies for dandruff, dryness, scalp sensitivity, early greying, and hair loss from scalp, beards, eyebrows, during lactation or with chronic headaches.
Diagnosis and your Tongue
There's much more to your tongue than the sense of taste. Sensation, movement, coating, colour, and texture reveal a lot - especially during homeopathic treatment.
‘Small’ Remedy Cases
A doctor shares cases in which lesser known remedies were successfully used for asthma, heel pain, a deltoid muscle tear, itchiness, and more.