Homeopathy in Farming

Homeopathy is fabulous for Sally's cows, saves money, and is an antibiotic alternative. She also lists useful remedies.

Case Report: Homeopathy for Cystitis and IBS

Anne suffered from cystitis and IBS for 8 years. Nothing helped, not even daily antibiotics. Then came homeopathy.

Approaches to Chest Pain

Compare homeopathic and conventional approaches to chest pain and explore a list of useful remedies.

Homeopathic Gout Remedies

Colchicum, Ledum, Nux vomica and Aconite are used for gout. Check their symptom profiles to see if one suits.

Homeopathics for Allergies

These remedies match allergy-related symptoms of fever, watery discharges, burning eyes, fogginess, and sneezing.

Remedies for Sunburn and Heat

When "the sun burns, the skin screams, and the head aches...", think of homeopathy. Here's a list of helpful remedies.

Treating Plants with Homeopathy

Treating plants with homeopathy has benefits. It is inexpensive, organic, easy to use, and safe for animals and soil.

The Wisdom of Symptoms

Symptoms are the body's efforts to defend or heal itself. That's why homeopathy's mimicry of them makes perfect sense.

Part 2: Snake-kingdom

“By dilution of the snake venom the poisonous essence was removed, and by succussion a curative remedy produced.”