Homeopathy – Back to School

'Back to school' remedies help adjustment to change, tiredness, clinginess, anxiety, and ‘letting go’ difficulties.

Remedies for Vaginal Candidiasis

Vaginal yeast infection affects three out of four women at some point. Discover causes, risk factors, and useful remedies.

Part 1: Appraising the Snakes

“It is not unreasonable to suggest that, within the kingdom of snake remedies there may lie the simillimum of all ills of man.”

Remedies for Problem Hair

Our hair reflects our state of health so it's no surprise that hair loss, dandruff, balding, brittleness, and greying are reflected in the symptom profiles of several common remedies.

Remedies for Heel Cracks

Dry, cracked, sensitive heels? Itching cracks that bleed on walking? Offensive foot sweat that leads to cracking? One of these five remedies may help.

Homeopathy for Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

"Urinary tract infections can be urethritis, cystitis or nephritis. Understand the cause, symptoms and homeopathic remedies for Urinary infection or UTI."

Homeopathy and OCD

Do you match pegs, compulsively wash hands, repeatedly check things? Compare the homeopathic and conventional approach to OCD. A list of useful remedies is included.

Bladder Issues & Homeopathy

It's a fact of life - the human body leaks. The good doctors from HUK share remedies and stories of how homeopathy helps bladder infections, incontinence and bed-wetting.

Remedies for GORD (GERD)

Compare the homeopathic and conventional approach to this uncomfortable and painful problem. A list of useful remedies is provided.