Homeopathy for Acne
The homeopathic approach to acne draws from remedies that cover symptoms such as pustules, sensitivity to cold, thick, hard, honey-coloured scabs, itching when warm, and more.
When a Cold Hits… Hit Back!
Whether you’re suffering from body aches, a sniffling nose, fevers, headaches, discomfort, stuffiness or more, there’s a remedy to suit the symptoms.
A Case of Breast Cancer
‘GH’ was afraid. She "Gets angry easily, says inappropriate words, usually to those who are nearby. She is a perfectionist – gets angry towards herself if she does mistakes"
Gunpowder as a Remedy??
Gunpowder as a remedy? Definitely! In days past teaspoon doses mixed in hot water were taken by soldiers as a treatment for infections with pus.
Menopause: Why Homeopathy?
It’s a natural transition but for some it brings hot flushes, night sweats, fatigue, insomnia, mood swings, and depression. Here are 12 of the best remedies. Studies included.
Dental Homeopathy
A dentist tells how a tumble off his bike led to homeopathy and dramatically changed the way he treats post-extraction bleeding, wisdom tooth pain, infection, ulcers, cold sores, and more.
Homeopathy and DVT
The conventional and homeopathic approach to the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis are compared. 4 homeopathic remedies and their matching symptoms are included.
Homeopathy for Sports Injuries
Injuries are dreaded by those who depend on their sporting abilities for income and career. That's why homeopathy's such a big hit and widely used in the sporting world.
Homeopathy Benefits ADHD
"Two publications, a randomised, partially blinded trial and a clinical observation study, conclude that homeopathy has positive effects in patients with ADHD."