Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

The homeopathic and conventional approach to this problem are compared. A list of useful remedies for DVT-related symptoms is supplied.

Morning Sickness Remedies

Expectant mothers will be relieved to know that homeopathy has an excellent safety profile for the relief of nausea in pregnancy. Here's what happened with Elena, Janice, and Anna.

Study: Homeopathy for Acne

"Homeopathy works on the subjective as well as objective aspect of the sufferer, providing him with a healthy body, positive mindset and a resultant clearer skin."

Homeopathy for Dogs

Common doggy problems include skin rashes, fleas, injuries, insect bites, and worms. These complaints are relieved by an appropriate remedy. Here's a list.

Epilepsy in a Woman of 25

"Her family was afraid the social stigma would potentially hinder marriage. Her family warns her not to disclose her sickness or any trace of her odd behaviour to anyone."

Homeopathy for a Goat

A goat farmer extraordinaire tells what happened when a very caring vet paid a visit to her dandruffy and greasy goat. Can homeopathy really work this quickly? Absolutely!

Case Report: Anal Fissure & Piles

This woman declined surgery to first try homeopathy for her anal fissures and haemorrhoids (ouch!). One particular made a big difference.

Surgery? How Homeopathy Helps

Discover five remedies for the discomfort, pain and stress of surgery that don't interact with conventional medicines that may also be prescribed.

Homeopathy with Chemotherapy

Homeopathy is widely used and supported by government in India so it's not unusual to read of recommendations by Indian doctors for its use in the side-effects of chemotherapy.