Homeopathy Treats Vitiligo

White milky patches on the skin, and tingling sensations and burning pain. Vitiligo! It's frequently well-treated by homeopathy. Here are the key remedies.

Remedies for Nosebleeds

Homeopathy is used for numerous types of nose bleeds. As examples, it stems those that start during desk work, after eating, with headaches or with itching - and that's just the beginning.

Homeopathy for Animals

"Clover was a mixed breed white dairy goat. She kidded twins every year, always a boy and a girl and she was very milky and very maternal." So why did she need homeopathy?

Homeopathy for Tourettes

The homeopathic and conventional treatment of Tourette's syndrome is compared, and a list of potential remedies for impulsiveness, twitching, automatic motions, provided.

Homeopathy for Fears & Phobias

Do you find yourself in fear with restlessness, sweatiness, trembling, racing heart or more? Whether you’re scared of water, failure, heights, sex or disease, homeopathy can help.

Homeopathy and Peritonitis

Peritonitis is an inflammation of the membrane that lines the wall of the abdomen. Homeopathic remedies can help with its associated symptoms.

Homeopathic Help for Fibroids

Compare the conventional and homeopathic approach to uterine fibroids. Symptom profiles of useful remedies and related research is listed.

Homeopathy for Bed Sores

Bed sores, the result of an interrupted blood supply and a risk for immobilised people, can be reduced and repaired by homeopathic remedies. This doctor lists some of the best.

Homeopathy for Eye Irritation

Are you suffering from itchy and swollen eyes, yellowish discharge, redness and inflammation of the whites of the eyes or tired and aching eyes? Here's a list of remedies that match.