Remedies and Tears
How are they related? Well, the type of tears you produce point to the remedy you may need. For example, hot tears point to Arnica and oily tears to Sulphur. Fascinating!
Eczema from Birth
“I’m doing better. Pretty much immediately I noticed that I went ten days without using any cortisone cream… There’s been no horrible flareup. I’ve had an easier time going to sleep.”
Anxiety: Homeopathy or Drugs?
Panic, palpitations, and nervous diarrhoea don't have to rule your life. Here's a comparison with related research between the homeopathic and conventional approach to anxiety.
Homeopathic Teething Remedies
Chamomilla has gained a reputation as the No. 1 teething remedy but it’s not the only remedy to consider. Several others also suit clinginess, anger, loose stool, and more.
Top 10 Remedies for Acne
Here's a 'top ten' list of remedies for acne but many others help as well. If you can't find a suitable one from the list consider seeing a homeopath for an individualised prescription.
Homeopathic St. John’s Wort
In this age of over-prescribing antidepressants, St. John’s Wort is one herbal option for mild depression. But what about its homeopathic preparation - Hypericum perfoliatum?
Shingle Treatment Options
Compare the conventional and homeopathic approach to this painful condition. A list of remedies for symptoms such as itching, burning and blisters is supplied.
Remedies for Frequent Urination
Do you have to plan your day around how easy it will be to get to a bathroom or toilet? A doctor discusses common homeopathic remedies for this annoying problem.
Homeopathy and Angina
"At some point during that first week of taking Cimicifuga 30, he ceremoniously ripped the Nitroglycerine patch from his shoulder. It became clear to him that it simply wasn’t helping."