Remedies for GORD (GERD)
Compare the homeopathic and conventional approach to this uncomfortable and painful problem. A list of useful remedies is provided.
Bladder Issues & Homeopathy
It's a fact of life - the human body leaks. The good doctors from HUK share remedies and stories of how homeopathy helps bladder infections, incontinence and bed-wetting.
Homeopathy for Hysteria
Common symptoms include heightened sensitivity, hot flushes, ball-like sensations in throat, crying without a reason, shrieking, and gasping. One of these remedies may help.
Grief, Loss and Homeopathy
Homeopathy helps when grief turns into an unyielding depressive state in which it's hard to see a future and everything seems pointless. One of these remedies can then make a difference.
Atopic Dermatitis in Infants
Here's a short list of key remedies for the annoying problem of infant eczema. As all remedies are dispensed as sugar pills or mild-tasting drops, they are easily given to little ones.
Homeopathy for Animal Bites
Dogs Naturally have pulled together six homeopathic remedies for your fur-baby to reduce their risk of infection from a bite and to ease its pain and swelling.
Remedies for Acne and Scars
Have you "tried all the creams and lotions" but still need help? Take a look at these remedies for blackheads, pustules, whiteheads, cysts, discoloration and scarring.
Homeopathy for Urinary Tract Infection Treatment
"Urinary tract infections can be urethritis, cystitis or nephritis. Understand the cause, symptoms and homeopathic remedies for Urinary infection or UTI."
Homeopathy and OCD
Do you match pegs, compulsively wash hands, repeatedly check things? Compare the homeopathic and conventional approach to OCD. A list of useful remedies is included.