Healing Broken Bones

Key remedies help the initial bleeding, bruising, swelling, and pain while others assist with the longer process of bone repair, and even the strengthening of weak or brittle bones.

Homeopathy for Ganglions

An old-fashioned and surprisingly effective cure for a ganglion was to thump it with a Bible. Today, we have homeopathy and these 4 suggested remedies.

Myocardial Infarction

In this case of myocardial infarction the symptoms of weakness, anxiety, restlessness, and malarial affections led to a prescription of Chininum. Here's what happened next.

Remedies for Emotional Children

Children can be affected by bullying, hyperactivity, separation anxiety, aggression, and insomnia. Homeopathy helps difficult emotional responses to these stresses.

Traumatic Brain Damage

Many approaches, including homeopathy, help brain injury. Key homeopathic remedies are Arnica, Belladonna, Hypericum, Cicuta, Natrum sulphuricum, and Helleborus.

Homeopathy for Sciatica

Compare the conventional and homeopathic approach to sciatica and see a list of remedies that match its various symptoms. A relevant study is included.

10 Remedies for Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms

"Alfalfa – Appetite is reduced, but also increased to peak in bulimia. Eats often, cannot wait for regular meal; just nibbles on food ...."

Homeopathy for Allergies

Allergy medications produce unwanted side-effects. Homeopathy offers a non-toxic approach for sensitive immune systems. Relevant research and remedies are provided.

Homeopathy for Hernias

Here's a list of remedies and hernia-related symptoms such as weak abdominal muscles, dislike of tight clothing, and more, to help you identify the remedy.