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Recovery Complex Instructions 1

Recovery Complex Instructions

Contains remedies commonly used to reduce the symptoms of weakness, tiredness, or apathy following illness or surgery. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately 5 drops in the mouth. Dose once […]

Sunburn Complex 3

Sunburn Complex

Contains remedies commonly used to reduce the symptoms of heat, pain and inflammation associated with sunburn. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately 5 drops in the mouth. Dose once hour […]

Toothache Complex 5

Toothache Complex

Contains remedies commonly used to reduce the symptoms of toothache either before or after dental work. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately 5 drops in the mouth. Dose once every […]

Children’s Fever Complex 7

Children’s Fever Complex

Contains remedies commonly used to reduce the symptoms of simple childhood fevers. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately 5 drops in the mouth. Dose once every 2 hours until symptoms […]

Reflux Complex 9

Reflux Complex

Contains remedies traditionally used to reduce symptoms associated with reflux such as heartburn, indigestion, hoarseness, abdominal or oesophageal pain. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately 5 drops in the mouth. […]

Cough Relief Complex - Dry 11

Cough Relief Complex – Dry

Contains remedies commonly used to reduce the symptoms associated with dry coughs that produces an irritated throat or trachea and spasmodic coughing. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately 5 drops […]

Cough Relief Complex - Loose 13

Cough Relief Complex – Loose

Contains remedies commonly used to reduce the symptoms of loose coughs such as excess mucous, irritated throat or trachea and spasmodic coughing. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately 5 drops […]

Snore Ease Instructions 15

Snore Ease Instructions

Contains remedies commonly used to reduce the symptoms of snoring such as disturbed sleep, daytime sleepiness, dry mouth, and irritable partners. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately 5 drops in […]

Panic Stop Instructions 17

Panic Stop Instructions

Contains remedies traditionally used for the symptoms of panic and anxiety such as heightened emotions, weakness, palpitations, sweating, diarrhoea and the desire to avoid the problem. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately […]