Colour Remedies and How They are Used

A range of colors, such as a painter would use

Colour remedies are homeopathic remedies drawn from chromotherapy, a therapeutic practice that uses colours to treat disease and restore equilibrium within the body.

In 1998, homeopath Ambika Wauters prepared and tested colours as homeopathic remedies in 6x, 12c and 30c potencies. Since then they have been widely used for a range of physical and mental-emotional symptoms.

The effect of the colour remedies is believed to be somewhere between that of flower essences and those of conventional homeopathy, which is also recommended as part of colour remedy treatment.

Colour Remedies and Chakras

Of interest to those involved in chakra work, the seven colour remedies align with the seven traditional colours of the body’s chakras (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet).

Those using the remedies in this work say that as “pure colour energy”, the remedies stimulate their associated chakras to release stagnant energy to rebalance the body’s core energy.

What are Colour Remedies Used for?

The colour remedies and their related physical and mental emotional issues are:

1.  Red

Red is for physical symptoms related to grounding, such as low energy, poor circulation, and weakness in the lower back or legs. It is also helpful for mental-emotional symptoms related to grounding, vitality, and courage and is associated with the base chakra. (Check Availability)

Use it when feeling insecure or fearful.

2.  OrangeThe seven chakras of the body, overlaid on a human figure.

Orange is for physical symptoms related to the reproductive system, such as menstrual problems, sexual dysfunction, and infertility. It is also helpful for mental-emotional symptoms related to creativity, pleasure, and emotions and is associated with the sacral chakra. (Check Availability)

Use it when feeling emotionally stuck or disconnected.

3.  Yellow

Yellow is for physical symptoms related to digestion, such as indigestion, bloating, and liver problems. It is also helpful for mental-emotional symptoms related to confidence, personal power, and self-esteem and is associated with the solar plexus chakra. (Check Availability)

Use it when feeling powerless or indecisive.

4.  Green

Green is for physical symptoms related to the heart and lungs, such as asthma, high blood pressure, and chest pain. It is also helpful for mental-emotional symptoms related to love, healing, and balance and is associated with the heart chakra. (Check Availability)

Use it when feeling emotionally drained or disconnected from others.

5.  Blue

Blue is for physical symptoms related to the throat and mouth, such as sore throat, hoarseness, and dental problems. It is also helpful for mental-emotional symptoms related to communication, expression, and clarity and is associated with the throat. (Check Availability)

Use it when feeling blocked or unable to communicate effectively.

6.  Indigo

Indigo is for physical symptoms related to the head and eyes, such as headaches, migraines, and eye strain. It is also helpful for mental-emotional symptoms related to intuition, wisdom, and insight and is associated with the third eye chakra. (Check Availability)

Use it when feeling disconnected from your inner wisdom or intuition.

7.  Violet

Violet is for physical symptoms related to the nervous system, such as stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It is also helpful for mental-emotional symptoms related to spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and enlightenment and is associated with the crown chakra. (Check Availability)

Use it when seeking greater spiritual understanding or connection.

Seven wauters colors, depicting harmony

How to use Colour Remedies

Colour remedies are available in three potencies, 6X, 12C and 30C (Homeopathy Plus currently supplies colour remedies in 30C potencies. Other potencies and corresponding sound remedies are expected in April 2023):

  1. The lowest potency (6x) addresses physical symptoms, and is taken three to five times a day for three days.
  2. The middle potency, 12c, stimulates both the physical and emotional levels and is used once a day for three days.
  3. A 30c, the highest potency, addresses all areas, and should be taken once as a single dose.

First, select the appropriate colour based on the issue you would like to address. Then choose one of the following applications:

  • Direct application: Apply a few drops of the remedy directly to the skin or onto an affected area or related chakra.
  • Bathing: Adding a few drops of the remedy to a warm bath to help relax and restore balance.
  • Inhalation: Adding a few drops of the remedy to a diffuser or inhaling the scent directly to promote relaxation and balance.
  • Ingestion: Adding a few drops of the remedy to a glass of water or other beverage to be ingested.

Once taken, observe the effects on your symptoms over the next three days and repeat the dose if improvement stalls or symptoms return.

Treatment Notes

The frequency at which colour remedies will be needed after the initial doses will vary depending on the individual’s needs and the specific remedy being used.

As with all homeopathic remedies, the best way to use a remedy is to take a dose only when needed, not according to a pre-set schedule.  If there is no change at all in symptoms by 3 – 4 doses of a remedy, choose a different one or consult a healthcare provider.

Once a response has been established after dosing, the frequency at which a remedy is needed can vary from several times a day to once a week depending on the severity of the issue being addressed and the individual’s response to the remedy. Treatment length also varies depending on the issue being addressed and the individual’s overall health.