Homeopathy — A world treasure, hidden in plain sight
Amy Lansky has written an all-too-true piece on homeopathy in which she says:
“At this time of year, as we pause in thanks between Thanksgiving (in America) and Christmas, Hannukah, and other holidays that celebrate gratefulness, gifts, and a yearning for renewed light in the world, it seems like a perfect time to also reflect with gratitude upon the immense gift of homeopathy. Why this treasure of healing remains largely submerged in scorn, I still cannot fathom. Homeopathy’s critics say it is simultaneously useless, empty, and dangerous. Obviously, homeopathy feels threatening to them — and perhaps rightfully so. Because once the treasure of homeopathy is let out into full view, many of the accepted medical practices of our time will seem useless, empty, and dangerous. Perhaps our critics simply project their own fears of inadequacy?”
More Information: Homeopathy — A World Treasure, Hidden in Plain Sight