Webinar 2: Self-Treatment or Professional Management? – What does it cover?

How to manage the health issues, behavioural problems, learning difficulties, and autism spectrum disorders of today’s children with homeopathy.

Webinar 2: Self-Treatment or Professional Management?

The following webinar material is presented in an engaging and easy to understand manner. Numerous visuals and a PDF transcript are included.

  • Four different ways of using homeopathy:
    • Trauma and first-aid injuries.
    • Acute disease.
    • Homeoprophylaxis (homeopathic immunisation).
    • Chronic disease.
  • Homeopathy is a process – what this entails, especially with chronic disease.
  • When to use homeopathy at home and when to see a qualified practitioner.
    • Why homeopathy should be a first choice in health care.
    • How to recognise a competent homeopath:
      • Type of consultation.
      • Number of approaches.
      • Listening and judgement.
      • Observations, examinations, and investigations.
      • Importance of symptoms.
      • Disease symptoms vs disease name.
      • Dependence on technology.
      • Single vs multiple remedies.
      • Dry vs liquid doses.
      • Impact of sensitivity.
      • Perspective on aggravations.
      • Creating a baseline.
      • Concurrent prescription medications.
      • Availability.
      • Relationship with other professionals.
    • Spotlight on the two of twelve key remedies that help children:
      • Remedy 3: Hyoscyamus niger (Hyos.)
        • Mental-emotional features that indicate the need for Hyos.
        • Mental-emotional and physical symptoms that respond to Hyos.
        • What to expect from treatment with Hyos.
        • Case 4: “He’d goad his brothers and sisters and do silly dances in front of them.”
        • Case 5: “He constantly disrupted the class.”
      • Remedy 2: Bufo rana (Bufo.)
        • Mental-emotional features that indicate the need for Bufo.
        • Mental-emotional and physical symptoms that respond to Bufo.
        • What to expect from treatment with Bufo.
        • Case 6:“When they saw her head off into the bedroom they knew what was about to happen.”
    • Recap of the material covered in this webinar and preview of Webinar 3.

More Information and Registration

Homeopathy for Children: Health Issues, Behavioural Problems, Learning Difficulties, and Autism Spectrum Disorders – a 7-part webinar series with PDF transcripts.