Homeopathy, Haiti, and Chikungunya

Lauren_Fox___Felix_Saint_Louis__PG_Legerme__FILEminimizer_Homeopaths Without Borders (HWB) is heading back to Haiti, which is still in the middle of a Chikungunya epidemic (see our article on how first-responder homeopathic graduates report they have been treating and preventing this disease with homeopathy: https://homeopathyplus.com/haitians-use-homeopathy-for-chikungunya/)
The HWB organisation continues to work closely with these graduates to collect data from the epidemic. On this coming trip, new homeoapathic classes will be organised, the first class of birth attendants will be graduated, and professional kits of homeopathic remedies donated to the Homéopathes Communautaires.

More information: Homeopathy, Haiti, and Chikungunya