A Time-Tested Treatment

Suffering from headache, irritability, chilliness, fever spikes, or fatigue with the flu? Several homeopathic remedies match these and other flu-related symptoms - see which ones. 

Father of American Homeopathy

Constantine Hering is considered the father of American homeopathy - in spite of his initial hostility towards it. Read what led to his change of heart and subsequent achievements.

Acne During Pregnancy

Zinc, Vitamin A and C, and Omega-3 fatty acids derived from natural foods help maintain skin health but when acne continues, homeopathy helps and is safe to use in pregnancy.

Homeopathic Pharmacy

Remedies come from different sources - roots, fruits, crustaceans, spiders, minerals, animal milks, discharges, electricity, alkaloids, and more. Get started with this list.

An Alternative NHS?

"Homeopathy can, and probably should stand on its own... Why do we need to work with medics who tell us that any medicine or treatment, to be useful, has to be harmful?"

UK: Time to Write to Your MP

You are not powerless, yet. Write to your MP regarding the threat to homeopathic and herbal medicine prescriptions in England. Here's how to make your thoughts and feelings known.

PTSD and Homeopathy

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) produces symptoms of fear, sickening and painful memories, disturbing thoughts and more. Read which matching remedies offer help.

Homeopathy World Unites

With NHS England proposing the end of NHS prescribing remedies, the homeopathic community are joining together to fight it. Find out how you can help.

Homeopathic Research Database

Wanting good quality research on homeopathy? Check this database which contains basic and clinical research, pathogenetic trials, veterinary research, and more.