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Anxiety Complex


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Description: The Anxiety Complex contains a blend of homeopathic remedies traditionally used for the symptoms of anxiety such as: panic, fear, uneasiness, sleep problems, inability to stay calm and still, cold, sweaty, numb or tingling hands or feet, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dry mouth, nausea, tense muscles, and dizziness.

Contains: Homeopathics for symptoms of anxiety, in an 89% water, 10% ethanol, 1% sucrose solution:  Argentum Nitricum; Arsenicum Album; Calcarea Carbonica; Gelsemium Sempervirens; Lycopodium Clavatum; Phosphorus; Pulsatilla Pratensis (30C potencies).

Instructions (all ages): Place 5 drops into mouth every 2 hours. Stop on improvement. Re-dose only if needed. If symptoms don’t improve by 3 doses, consult your healthcare professional.

Store: Below 40C away from sunlight, digital and electrical appliances.