Insomnia from Anxiety or Grief Complex




The Insomnia from Anxiety or Grief Complex contains a blend of homeopathic remedies traditionally used for insomnia-related symptoms such as: sadness, worry, sleepiness during the day, general tiredness, irritability, poor concentration or memory.


Shake the bottle.
Place 5 drops into the mouth.
Dose once a day until symptoms start to improve, and then re-dose only if needed.
If there is no improvement at all by 3 doses, stop and consult your health practitioner.
Take only according to instructions.

Contains homeopathics

Arsenicum album; Cocculus indicus; Kali bromatum; Gelsemium sempervirens; Ignatia amara; Natrum muriaticum; Sulphur (30C potencies) in a water-ethanol-sucrose solution. 120 doses in each bottle. Store away from sunlight and below 40C. Expiry 10/2020.