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Homeopathy for Abscess 1

Homeopathy for Abscess

Symptoms of the abscess - throbbing, prickling or burning, watery or thick pus, colour of pus, and so on - always reveal the required homeopathic remedy for a speedy resolution.

Case: Retro-Orbital Abscess 2

Case: Retro-Orbital Abscess

Chelsea the cocker spaniel had stopped eating and was lethargic with a high fever, painful mouth, and retro-orbital abscess. Read which remedies came to her rescue.

Treatment of Abscesses. 3

Treatment of Abscesses.

Here's six remedies for six different types of canine abscess. Choose the right one for your doggy friend and he or she will be back to wagging his or her tail in no time.

Homeopathic Help for Toothaches 4

Homeopathic Help for Toothaches

Dental problems include caries, pulpitis, hypersensitivity, gingivitis, jaw pain, food impaction, abscesses, teething difficulties and more. Here's a list of useful remedies for them.

Homeopathy for Dental Complaints 5

Homeopathy for Dental Complaints

Abscess, teething, TMJ pain, gingivitis, haemorrhage, teeth grinding, neuralgia, salivation, toothache, and more. Here's a list of remedies.