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Homeopathy for Animal Bites 1

Homeopathy for Animal Bites

Dogs Naturally have pulled together six homeopathic remedies for your fur-baby to reduce their risk of infection from a bite and to ease its pain and swelling.

Insect Bites and Stings 2

Insect Bites and Stings

Do you know the two main remedies for insect bites and stings? What about the emergency remedies for scorpion stings, painful bites, and anaphylactic reactions to a bite or sting?

Remedies for Animal Bites 3

Remedies for Animal Bites

Has another animal bitten your dog? Be prepared with these 6 remedies for stinging, swelling, pain, fever, ulceration, infection, excitement and agitation, and much more. 

Case Report: Homeopathy for Rattlesnake Bites 4

Case Report: Homeopathy for Rattlesnake Bites

Vet Will Falconer tells how two foals recovered with homeopathy following rattlesnake bites, and how he was also helped after a scorpion sting. Way to go, Will!