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Brain Injury - Homeopathic Help 1

Brain Injury – Homeopathic Help

Homeopathy led to significant improvements for people with traumatic brain injury, even those whose injury was of many years’ duration. Here's what happened.

Homeopathy changes brain activity 2

Homeopathy changes brain activity

Researchers, using an electroencephalogram (EEG), have measured changes in brain activity after test subjects were given a homeopathic remedy for stress. The changes were similar to those seen with related […]

Coma and the Homeopathic Effect 3

Coma and the Homeopathic Effect

Reports of people emerging from coma and vegetative states following doses of Stillnox, a hypnotic sedative, demonstrate "like treats like" effect of homeopathy. 

Waking the brain: The sedative paradox ... or is it homeopathy? 4

Waking the brain: The sedative paradox … or is it homeopathy?

Over the past ten years stories have appeared at regular intervals of people emerging from unconsciousness when given zolpidem, a sedative that should have produced a state of unconsciousness. Several […]

Brain injury - Homeopathy helps 5

Brain injury – Homeopathy helps

Recent research shows increased rates of dementia, depression and suicide in ex-footballers who have had frequent blows to the head during their sport. One news report says: “The evidence from […]