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Testosterone Deficiency 1

Testosterone Deficiency

Hair loss, premature aging, nervousness, salt cravings, impotence, forgetfulness and many other symptoms are caused by testosterone deficiency. These remedies can help.

Remedies and Hair Problems 2

Remedies and Hair Problems

Discover sixteen remedies for dandruff, dryness, scalp sensitivity, early greying, and hair loss from scalp, beards, eyebrows, during lactation or with chronic headaches.

Homeopathy and Lupus 3

Homeopathy and Lupus

"The advantage of using homeopathy is that it does not put stress on the detoxifying organs and will not interfere with the patient’s medications."

Homeopathy For Hair Disease 4

Homeopathy For Hair Disease

Many things cause our locks to look less than lustrous - hair loss, fungal infections, dandruff, and premature graying among them. These remedies may help.

Homeopathy Best for Hair Loss 5

Homeopathy Best for Hair Loss

Can homeopathy help baldness? Maybe, maybe not. Learn about the different types of hair loss in both men and women and the types for which homeopathy can make a big difference.