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Music to Ease the Blues 1

Music to Ease the Blues

Did you know that music can produce a homeopathic effect? The like-treats-like approach of these sombre pieces may unexpectedly relieve your moody blues - try it and see!

Five Homeopathic Songs to Ease Your Depression 2

Five Homeopathic Songs to Ease Your Depression

The homeopathic 'like treats like' effect is produced by many things - not just little bottles of pills and liquids. Even music can be used homeopathically to lift or calm moods.

HOMEO PIE: A musical snapshot of the history of homeopathy in America 3

HOMEO PIE: A musical snapshot of the history of homeopathy in America

Based on the song “American Pie”, this musical offering by Bara Waters and Robert Cassard sheds light on a little-known drama: homeopathy’s early popularity in the US, followed by its […]