Q. What Can Homeopathy Treat?

An image of fruit and a glucose reader representing diabetes

A. People often ask if homoeopathy makes a difference for asthma, diabetes, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, emphysema, glaucoma, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis… or any one of a hundred other diseases. The answer is both yes, and no.

Homeopathy works best when given for the symptom complex of an individual, not for a diagnosis given to many.

This is because we don’t just suffer from isolated and disconnected diseases – everything about our health is interconnected. For example, a problem with our heart may be affected by anxiety which is then related to a skin problem or even a  stomach disorder.

In this illustration, the homeopath would not see the possible heart failure, eczema, gastric ulcer, and panic attacks as complaints to be managed separately but parts of a larger disease represented by its combined symptom complex – and a matching homeopathic remedy would be chosen for the idiosyncratic symptoms of this complex.

When the full extent of the body’s disease is reflected back to it in this way, a healing response is triggered in which many symptoms resolve at the same time. While the remedy is the stimuli, it’s the body’s response to it that creates the healing.

To better understand this method of treatment, visit the following links:

A Day in a Homeopath’s Clinic (this gives you a snapshot of the range of conditions homeopaths frequently treat)

Monica’s Story (which discusses why homeopaths can’t and don’t specialise in particular conditions)