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Homeopathy for Ebola Petition update

ebolaCopies of the petition and its information were sent to the Governments of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea by registered express mail. Tracking shows that Guinea received their document at the Guinea Embassy in the United States on 3rd November, and that documents for Sierra Leone and Liberia have reached these countries and are assumed delivered but not recorded because of the disruption to local postal services.

A copy of the letters sent to these countries is available here.

The Homeopathy for Ebola petition, and its information on homeopathy’s successful use during epidemics, was received and signed for by WHO on Thursday, 7th October by Mr (or Ms) Hossain. A copy of the letter is available here.

WHO has not responded to the petition or information and as far as we are aware, WHO has still not sought advice from homeopathic representatives on how homeopathy could be used in these outbreaks. As WHO recognises homeopathy as the second most-used system of medicine, and it’s used in other countries to treat and prevent epidemic disease, this oversight in the face of offers of help from homeopaths and pharmacies from around the world is reprehensible.

It is important to place it on record that WHO was notified, repeatedly, of a potential solution for this crisis. It’s up to you. The Petition continues to grow and will run for as long as the Ebola outbreak continues. Please circulate it to friends and family, media, organisations, associations, and politicians.

The petition is at