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Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z

Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E | Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N | Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z

Name Abbrev Use for Quantity
Ocinum basilicum Oci-b. HoverShrivelled by fungal disease;
Ocimum canum Oci. HoverCalcium deficiency; copper deficiency; manganese deficiency; phosphorus deficiency; zinc deficiency; calcium excess; copper excess; manganese excess; phosphorus excess; potassium excess; zinc excess;
Oniscus asellus Onis. HoverInjury from disease; injury from fire; mechanical injury; injury from storm; absent fruit; diminished fruit; unhealthy fruit; capillary paralysis; excessive polination; pseudomonas; black spot;
Oxalicum acidum Ox-ac. Hoverimpaired photosynthesis; excessive evaporation; deficient respiration;
Phosphoricum acidum Phos-ac. HoverCalcium deficiency; copper deficiency; Iron deficiency; magnesium deficiency; manganese deficiency; molybdenum deficiency; zinc deficiency; calcium excess; copper excess; iron excess; magnesium excess; manganese excess; molybdenum excess; zinc excess;
Phosphorus Phos. HoverCalcium deficiency; copper deficiency; Iron deficiency; magnesium deficiency; manganese deficiency; molybdenum deficiency; zinc deficiency; calcium excess; copper excess; iron excess; magnesium excess; manganese excess; molybdenum excess; zinc excess;
Porcellion scaber Phos. Porc-sc. HoverSlaters;
Plumbum metallicum Plb. HoverComing soon
Ricinus communis Ric. HoverInjury by insect; shrivelled by pests; caterpillars; crickets; moths; hawk moth; mites; rust mite; vinemite;
Ruta graveolens Ruta. HoverInjury by insect; shrivelled by pests; flies;
Salicylicum acidum Sal-ac. HoverBurnt by fire; injury by storm; viral diseases; blue discolouration; purple discolouration; shrivelled by bacterial disease; shrivelled by pests; impaired photosynthesis; anthracnose; blight from bacteria; blight from virus; gangrene; mold; wet mold; dry mold; wet rot – foamy; wet rot – with patches; stripe – bacterial; virus – alfalfa, barley yellow dwarf, mosaic, potato, tobacco mosaic virus; aphids; aphids with yellow dwarf virus; slaters;
Salvia officinalis Salv. HoverScales;
Sambucus nigra Samb. HoverSpot; caterpillars; army worms; budworm; cluster caterpillar; cutworm; spitfire; webworm; moths; diamondback moth; potato moth; sawfly;
Satureia hortensis Sat-h. HoverSpot; caterpillars; army worms; budworm; cluster caterpillar; cutworm; spitfire; webworm; moths; diamondback moth; potato moth; sawfly;
Secale cornutum Sec. HoverErgot;
Shellac Shel. HoverScales; hard scales; honeydew scales; soft scales;
Silica marina Sil-mar. HoverComing soon.
Silicea terra Sil. HoverShrivelled by fungal disease; carbon deficiency; carbon excess; budworm; transplant shock; moisture repellent soils; fruit and flower setting;
Sulphur Sulph. HoverCalcium deficiency; copper deficiency; magnesium deficiency; molybdenum deficiency; calcium excess; copper excess; magnesium excess; molybdenum excess;
Sulphuricum acidum Sul-ac. HoverComing soon
Syrphida larva Syrp. HoverShrivelled by pests; bean beetle; blister beetle; mealy bugs; squash bugs; caterpillars; army worms; budworm; cluster caterpillar; cutworm; loopers; procession moth; spitfire; webworm; cicarda; flies; hawk moth; leafhoppers; maggots; rust mite; cabbage moth; diamondback moth; grapevine moth; potato moth; procession moth; sawfly; sawfly larvae; thrips;
Syntocinon Syn. HoverComing soon
Tagetes erecta Tag-e. HoverComing soon
Tanacetum vulgare Tanac. HoverInjury by insect; nematodes; shrivelled by nematodes; blight from nematodes; ants; caterpillars; flies; hawk moth; moths; diamondback moth; grapevine moth; potato moth; procession moth; root knot nematode; sawfly;
Tarentula cubensis Tarent-c. HoverComing soon
Tarentula hispanica Tarent. HoverComing soon
Teucrium marum Teucr. HoverInjury by insect; nematodes; shrivelled by nematodes; blight from nematodes; ants; caterpillars; flies; moths; cabbage moth; root knot nematode;
Theridion Ther. HoverComing soon
Thuja occidentalis Thuj. HoverInjury by insect; curly top; gall; bettles; katydids; leafminers; blister mite; redlegged mite; rust mite; moths; maggots; sawfly; claes; thrips; wasps; weevils;
Trombidium muscae domesticae Trom. HoverMites;
Urea pura Urea. HoverDisturbed capillary; chlorosis; impaired photosynthesis;
Ustilago maydis Ust. HoverComing soon
Vaccinum myrtillus Vacc-m. HoverWeeds
Valerian officinalis Valer. HoverCopper deficiency; sulphur deficiency; copper excess; sulphur excess;
Viburnum opulus Vib. HoverDry epidermis; fruits fall early; shrivelled ovaries; excessive evaporation; poor mineral update; mites; moths; sawfly; pale roots;
Zincum metallicum Zinc. HoverCalcium deficiency; copper deficiency; Iron deficiency; phosphorus deficiency; sulphur deficiency; zinc deficiency; calcium excess; copper excess; iron excess; phosphorus excess; sulphur excess; zinc excess;