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AVMC: Cats and Pigeons

AVMC: Cats and Pigeons 4Earlier this week, we advised followers on our Facebook page that a 32-page white paper titled “The Case Against Homeopathy” was debated by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). As one vet stated:

“What’s really frustrating is this supposedly unbiased white paper is full of biased information, is authored by a person who apparently didn’t feel comfortable putting his name to it, and who did not consult with a single veterinary homeopath or other expert in homeopathy for the purpose of presenting a balanced approach to the topic.”

With the cat well and truly amongst the pigeons, people forwarded their protests. It was encouraging to see the AVMA adopt a much more moderate approach to this paper than what was first anticipated, but its progress still bears watching.

If you would like to keep up to date regarding the status and discussion of this paper, check the AVMA link and comments for regular updates here.