Alice’s Eczema Story
Alice had severe eczema that was impacting her life and when allopathic medicines didn't help she turned to homeopathy.
Homeopathy for Mental Health
Homeopathy has long since been used in mental health. This list of 21 remedies explores the range of symptoms it helps.
Blood Sugar Control and Remdies
A doctor provides information on diabetes and lists helpful homeopathic remedies for associated symptoms.
Remedies for Bed-wetting
Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) responds to homeopathy but with so many potential remedies, how do you choose the best?
Homeopathy in Farming
Homeopathy is fabulous for Sally's cows, saves money, and is an antibiotic alternative. She also lists useful remedies.
Case Report: Homeopathy for Cystitis and IBS
Anne suffered from cystitis and IBS for 8 years. Nothing helped, not even daily antibiotics. Then came homeopathy.
Approaches to Chest Pain
Compare homeopathic and conventional approaches to chest pain and explore a list of useful remedies.
Homeopathic Gout Remedies
Colchicum, Ledum, Nux vomica and Aconite are used for gout. Check their symptom profiles to see if one suits.
Homeopathics for Allergies
These remedies match allergy-related symptoms of fever, watery discharges, burning eyes, fogginess, and sneezing.