Homeopathy for (Epistaxis) Nosebleeds

This article covers most things about nosebleeds- types, causes, self-help tips, and homeopathic remedies for acute or chronic episodes.

Treating Infected Wounds

"In the present era of ever-increasing microbial resistance to pharmaceuticals, naturopathic doctors hold a unique position in their ability to provide safe and effective therapies..."

Help for Cervical Spondylosis

Those using homeopathy for cervical spondylosis know of the relief it brings. This doctor presents 5 remedies for spondylosis symptoms such as vertigo, neck pain and more.

Case Presentation: Graves’ Disease & Homeopathy

Lori had high blood pressure, restlessness, depression, tiredness, headaches, panic, weight loss, and a rapid pulse. Here's how homeopathy settled her overactive thyroid gland.

Remedies for Herpes Zoster

"There are a number of Homoeopathic medicines to treat herpes but each individual case is taken in detail and the remedy selected on basis of the individual’s symptoms."

Homeopathic Treatment of Malnutrition

Homeopathy offers supportive help by improving the body’s ability to assimilate the food. Read on to see which remedies are recommended.

Haemophilia Remedies

Compare treatment options for haemophilia, look at studies that support the use of homeopathy for haemophilia, and try matching haemophilia symptoms to a remedy.

What Did They Treat?

Homeopaths of old often dealt with conditions that homeopaths today are prevented from mentioning. So, what sort of things did they treat, with what, and why?

The Homeopathic Answer to Mumps

"Successful homeopathic treatment always depends upon identifying the unique features ... what makes one particular case of mumps different from another?"