Homeopathy and Cellulitis

Infection spreading through the tissues causes redness, swelling, heat, pain, blisters and more. These remedies help.

Remedies for Enlarged Adenoids

Chronically enlarged adenoids can change the shape of the face but here are five remedies that help prevent that.

Remedies for Stomach Problems

Our physical and mental-emotional states are linked which is why these remedies are also connected to grief.

Albert and the Angry Bees

A boy was stung by swarming bees. His treatment shows how different remedies and potencies may be needed.

Homeopathic Help for Osteoporosis

Preventative measures help prevent thinning bones that break easily but what can be done once established?

Homeopathy for Little Ones

Parents like the easy-to-give sweet pills and subsequent improvement in constipation, colic, stammering, and more.

Homeopathy and Liver Disease

Remedies for liver disease reflect the patient's mental-emotional and physical symptoms.

Homeopathy for Teeth and Gums

"... home care can be enhanced with ... homeopathic treatments to relieve pain and resolve minor gum and tooth problems."

Homeopathy for Aspergillosis

A doctor recommends 5 potential remedies for this infection or allergic reaction to exposure to various molds.