Homeopathy for Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

"Urinary tract infections can be urethritis, cystitis or nephritis. Understand the cause, symptoms and homeopathic remedies for Urinary infection or UTI."

Homeopathy and OCD

Do you match pegs, compulsively wash hands, repeatedly check things? Compare the homeopathic and conventional approach to OCD. A list of useful remedies is included.

Bladder Issues & Homeopathy

It's a fact of life - the human body leaks. The good doctors from HUK share remedies and stories of how homeopathy helps bladder infections, incontinence and bed-wetting.

Remedies for GORD (GERD)

Compare the homeopathic and conventional approach to this uncomfortable and painful problem. A list of useful remedies is provided.

Homeopathic Teething Remedies

Chamomilla has gained a reputation as the No. 1 teething remedy but it’s not the only remedy to consider. Several others also suit clinginess, anger, loose stool, and more.

Top 10 Remedies for Acne

Here's a 'top ten' list of remedies for acne but many others help as well. If you can't find a suitable one from the list consider seeing a homeopath for an individualised prescription.

Seizure Disorders in Children

Here's three cases of children with organic brain pathology. Their problems ranged from cerebral palsy, petit-mal seizures and microcephaly. All three responded to homeopathy.

When the Voice Gets Lost…

Are you prone to laryngitis? Take a look at these remedies for sudden onset of hoarseness, sensation of rawness, and several other associated symptoms.

Remedies for Fungal & Ringworm Infections

Fungal infections cause flaky sores which can lead to permanent hair loss or scarring. Stop their progression with a homeopathic remedy that matches the unique symptoms.