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  • Acute illness
    A condition that is short in duration. Some of examples of this are; flu, broken bones, fever etc. In some cases, where it is left untreated this in turn could become a chronic disease.
  • Aggravation
    A noticeable intensification of disease symptoms. Often associated with the action of the correct homeopathic remedy.
  • agrohomeopathy
    Homeopathy for plants and soil
  • Allopathy
    From the Greek 'allos', other + 'pathos', disease. Allopathic treatments use medicines that produce symptoms different to those to be cured. These medicines may have an antipathic (opposite) effect or just an unrelated different effect.
  • Disease
    Where the dynamic force or quality that we require is not aligned with the vital force. Also simply know as an illness or sickness.
  • Antidote
    A substance that slows or counters a homeopathic remedy, it can stop or reverse the curing action of an homeopathic remedy.
  • Antipathy
    From the Greek 'anti', against + 'pathos', disease. Means 'opposed to'. Antipathic medicines produce symptoms that are the opposite to those to be cured.
  • Aphorism
    A short statement of principle, fact, wisdom, or insight.
  • Avagadro's number
    The number of elementary particles of matter per "mole". It is defined as 6.03 x 10 to the 23rd power.
  • Bach flower remedies
    The Bach Flower essences are prescribed based upon the emotional state and unlike Homeopathy are not created from potentization. They are created from various flowers by a physician known as Edward Bach in the early 20th Century.
  • Bi-Phasal Action of Drugs
    If a drug prevents a function in a moderate dose, using the same function but in a minute dose can stimulate a result.
  • Causation rubric
    A rubric that reflects the cause of the disease.
  • Cell salts
    cell salts (biochemic remedies, tissue salts) - a homeopathic physician, W.H. Schuessler, developed the Biochemic system using 12 different 'cell salts'. Schuessler felt these were fundamental to the proper function of the human body. Prepared in low potency(3x or 6x) and used based on homeopathic indications.
  • Centesimal
    one of three potency scales used in homeopathy
  • Characteristic symptom
    A symptom that is 'striking, strange, unusual, peculiar' in a homeopathic.
  • Chronic Disease
    Disease that arise from the dynamic contagion of a chronic miasm. Without any specific remedy applied, they will most certainly increase indefinitely and continue to do so.
  • Classical homeopath
    A homeopath who prescribes in the classical way, with one remedy at a time, (usually in a high potency) The remedy will be the closest match at the time of presenting.
  • Combination remedies
    Where more than one remedy is combined to create a combination remedy
  • Common symptoms
    Symptoms that are common to a specific disease, for example, stiff joints in arthritis, or yellow skin in jaundice.
  • Complementary
    A complimentary remedy will enhance or augment any action of a previous remedy.
  • Complete symptom
    etiology, location (including radiation or extension of sensation), sensation, modalities, and concomitants all together give a complete symptom.
  • Concomitant
    Two symptoms that occur at the same time.
  • Constitution
    An individual's physical and mental temperament.
  • Constitution
    The overall health of an individual. This is determined by taking into consideration his/her heredity, life history, lifestyle, their environment and any past treatments.
  • Constitutional homeopathy
    By taking into consideration the patients nature and state, forming a comprehensive understanding of their symptoms, rather than just focusing on one symptom alone.
  • Constitutional treatment
    By careful assessment of a person, their constitution and symptoms, treatment is determined in the hope of stimulating the person's inner healing.
  • Contraria
    Refers to antipathic treatment. The principle of using medicines that produce the opposite symptoms to those to be cured.
  • Cure
    The complete restoration of health. This is evident once treatment has ceased, all signs and symptoms of the disease have been eliminated and 'health' remains.
  • Decimal
    One of the three scales of homeopathy
  • Degree
    In Clinical practice the combination of the frequency with which a remedy cures a symptom in provings.
  • Doctrine of Signatures
    The concept that any organic substance carries within itself the likeness of some organ or part of the human economy, as a sign that this particular substance was applicable to disturbances of that organ.
  • Drainage remedies
    Where a remedy is used for balancing, nourishing or detoxifying the system.
  • Dynamisation
    The process of serial dilution and succussion by which homeopathic remedies are prepared. Dynamisation is more commonly known as Potentisation.
  • Dynamisation
    Potentisation Otherwise known as the homeopathic process, diluting the remedy, succussing (shaking) for each dilution. (Potentization)
  • Elimination rubric
    A process of elimination used in repertorization for considering any remedy that is not within.
  • Aetiology / Etiology
    The cause of disease
  • Fluxion
    Rather than homeopathic succussion, the pressure of water is used instead where the potency does not exceed 30C
  • Genus Epidemicus
    Hahnemann taught that the genus epidemicus is chosenby uncommon characteristic symptoms of all the patients rather than the common symptoms of the epidemic disease.  Where a remedy can be curative for the majority of cases of the same disease.
  • Genus epidemicus
    During an epidemic this is classed as a group of symptoms. With this group of symptoms it is then used to select the appropriate remedy which be used to treat both curatively and prophylactically
  • Grafting
    In creating medicated pellets, place non-medicated pellets with medicated ones. This process is also done for liquid potencies.
  • Healing crisis
    This may occur temporarily and is part of the healing process, it may appear as an intensity of symptoms. This can also be part of the body detoxifying and rebalancing
  • Hering's Law
    A cure moves out from within to without.
  • Holistic
    An understanding based on the belief that an individual must be viewed as a whole, i.e. physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.
  • Homeopathic treatment
    The Treatment of a disease with a substance, that when given to a healthy person can produce a similar disease.
  • Homeopathy
    The name 'homeopathy' is derived from the Greek 'homoios' (like or similar) and 'pathos' (suffering) and so means 'similar suffering'. It is a system of treatment in which a disease state (mental, emotional, or physical) is treated by a remedy which is able to produce similar symptoms when given to a healthy person. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by a process of potentisation which removes addictive or toxic effects, rendering them safe for treatment.
  • Homeoprophylaxis
    Where a disease can be prevented by using a homeopathic medicine.
  • idem
    The same. The underpinning principle of isopathy.
  • Inimical
    Where an adverse effect occurs after following on from another remedy.
  • Intercurrent
    Where a case has stalled, an introduction of a remedy to provide renewed activity.
  • isopathy
    The treatment of a disease with the identical disease agent. This approach is not based on homeopathy's principle of similarity, but on sameness. From the Latin, 'aequalia aequalibus curentur', or, the law of sameness.
  • Kent J. T.
    James Tyler Kent was a major figure in homeopathy who practiced in the mid to late 19th century. He also also responsible for understanding the importance of mind symptoms of homeopathy and introducing higher potencies.
  • Keynote
    a unique feature of a remedy
  • Law of similars
    Where a substance is capable of producing a symptom in a healthy person and is capable of curing in a sick person, (The principle tenet of Homeopathy)
  • Life force
    In an individual this relates to the energy that maintains life.
  • LM
    The second potency scale developed by Hahnemann.
  • Materia medica
    A reference listing the curative indications and therapeutic actions of homeopathic medicines.
  • Miasm
    A diathesis based on an infection, its sequellae, or inherited effects.
  • Minimum dose
    A dose small enough to produce a curative effect without causing side effects.
  • Modality
    A condition that makes a person or their symptom better or worse. For example, better in a hot bath, abdominal pain better bending over, worse rainy weather, etc.
  • Naturopathy
    A medical approach to natural healing that uses many different modalities (sometimes homeopathy).
  • Nosode
    A homeopathic remedy prepared from diseased tissue.
  • Nutritional medicine
    It is a belief that if the body is provided with the correct nutrients such as healthy foods, vitamins and nutrients it will maintain health. If a disease is present targeting with supplements through nutrition may help the affected organs or organ systems.
  • Organon
    The Organon of Medicine, by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. This book describes the principles and practice of homeopathy.
  • Plussing
    By succussing and adding water this will provide an extension of the dose.
  • Polycrest
    Means "many uses". Polycrest remedies cover numerous diseases and as a result, are prescribed more often than many other remedies.
  • Potency
    A homeopathic remedy's strength.
  • Potentisation
    The process of serial dilution and succussion by which homeopathic remedies are prepared. May also be known as dynamisation.
  • Potentised
    This refers to a substance that has been prepared according to the homeopathic pharmaceutical standards.
  • Primary effects
    Where the vital force has been altered whether this is as a result of medicine or a power that acts on life, will alter the vital force, which will bring about certain modifications in human health of greater or lesser duration.
  • Proving
    Where healthy individuals volunteer to test the medicinal affects of a particular substance. This may be done by taking more than one dose and a record of the symptoms produced is collated, recorded and kept in an organised way describing what symptoms occurred following a dose of the substance.
  • Psora
    According to Hahnemann, Psora is the original miasm or inherited disposition that is shared by most of humanity. Where hard work and a continued struggle to reach a goal as seen in psychological terms.
  • Remedy
    A medicine or treatment for a disease or injury.
  • Repertorise
    In order to repertorize an individual case you look up symptoms in a repertory.
  • Repertory
    Providing a list of indicated remedies for each symptom. Indexing the homeopathic materia medica by symptom.
  • Rubric
    In a homeopathic repertory is known as a symptom.
  • Samuel Hahnemann
    Is known for being the founder of homeopathy. A German physician during the period 1755-1843.
  • Sarcode
    Homeopathic remedy made from an extract such as tissue or glandular.
  • Secondary effects
    Whereby the vital force will strive to oppose its energy to this influence. This is known as a life preserving reaction, an automatic activity called secondary effects.
  • Sensation
    The experience of a symptom, what it feels like.
  • Similia
    A tenet of homeopathy. The use of medicines which produce symptoms which are similar to those to be cured.
  • similia similibus curantur
    From the Latin, 'likes are cured by likes'. Meaning, any substance that can produce symptoms in the healthy, will remove similar symptoms of disease in the unwell. (A statement of fact regarding the Law of Similars rather than a passive guide to application of similia similibus curentur, or, ' let likes be cured by likes'.)
  • similia similibus curentur
    From the Latin, 'let likes be cured by likes'. (A passive guide of application of the Law of Similars rather than the statement of fact of similia similibus curantur, or, 'likes are cured by likes'.) Meaning, any substance that can produce symptoms in the healthy, can or should be used to remove similar symptoms of a disease in the unwell.
  • Simillimum
    The best remedy for a given case.
  • Source
    The substance from which a homeopathic remedy is made.
  • Strange, rare, and peculiar
    Symptoms unique to an individual. These are symptoms are that unique to an individual, they may be strange in nature. An example of this could be a headache that feels like there are hammers banging on the front of their head.  
  • Succussion
    The vigorous shaking, striking or agitation of a liquid in a container. Succussion is part of the homeopathic potentisation process.
  • Suppression
    The driving inward of disease symptoms by the use of medicines, (Anti-biotics, anti-histamines, steriods, etc.). Much of allopathy works in this way.
  • Susceptibility
    Relates to how sensitive a person may be to a particular remedy or disease.
  • Sycosis
    The term used for the chronic effects of a gonorrheal miasm, the key element is excess.
  • Symptom
    An abnormal behaviour or sensation experienced by a person as a whole or in a part of the body. Symptoms are the outward and visible signs of the inward disturbance of the vital force. Subcategories of symptoms include: accessory; characteristic; clinical; common; complete; concomitant; general; individualising; keynote; modality; particular; peculiar; and, unique.
  • Symptom complex
    A list of symptoms which pertain to a particular remedy.
  • Syphilis
    A term used for the chronic effects of a syphilitic miasm, as termed by Hahnemann.
  • Totality
    The combining of all symptoms of a particular case.
  • Trituration
    The beginning preparation for a homeopathic remedy, a mortar and pestle is used to mix milk sugar with the crude substance
  • Vital Force
    The Vital Force is an energy that resides in and enables all living things to maintain life, self-heal, and adapt to environmental changes. It is also called the Life Force, Chi, Qi, Ki, and Prana.