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Glossary Crossword Puzzle

Below you will find a crossword puzzle for you to complete, drawn from words in the glossary. Print it, fill it in, and then head to the forum to see if your answers are correct.

Glossary Crossword Puzzle 3



1. A homeopathic scale of dosage that ends in X.
2. A medicine or treatment for a disease or injury.
4. Forcefully striking a remedy against a firm surface.
5. The grinding of an insoluble substance.
7. When disease symptoms are ‘driven inwards’ and hidden.
11. A medical approach to natural healing that uses many different modalities (including homeopathy).
13. A system of medicine where diseases are treated by remedies that produce similar symptoms when given to a healthy person.
14. Remedy with many uses
17. A homeopathic remedy prepared from diseased tissue.


3. The complete restoration of mental, emotional, and physical health.
6. Conventional medicine
8. The best remedy for a given case.
9. An index of homeopathic remedies.
10. An individual’s physical and mental temperament.
12. A unique feature of a remedy.
15. The strength of a remedy.
16. The life force animating all living things
18. The founding text of homeopathy, written by Samuel Hahnemann.
19. Experiment that tests the symptom-producing effects of a homeopathic remedy.
20. Illness or sickness