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Homeopathic experiences in Liberia during the Ebola outbreak

liberiaA team of homeopathic doctors were recently sent by Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LIGA) to assist in the Ebola crisis. Alan Schmuckler from hpathy interviews one of them, Dr. Medha Durge. Below are two question from the interview – the remainder can be read at the link below.

AS: Did you get to treat patients for conditions other than Ebola? What kind of reaction did those people have to being treated with homeopathy?

MD: Since we were attached to a hospital I treated all regular cases-like asthma, bronchitis, epistaxis, haematemesis, chronic malaria , hypertension, enlarged glands. They responded well and in fact much better than I have seen and in a few doses only. To them it seemed like magic! They were impressed enough to want homeopathy for their people and I suppose LMHI has received invitation from other African countries as well to introduce homeopathy.

AS: What do you feel was accomplished by the homeopathy team’s visit?

MD: We helped confirm that homeopathy is a partner in world healthcare and epidemics, which is serious message. Probably for the first time it seems to have been accepted, partially at least, that homeopathy may have a role to play here in Liberia and other African countries, and it can benefit tremendously. This may help lead to important policy changes in epidemic protocols by NGOs like the Redcross, MSF etc, allowing homeopathy to be even more successful.

More Information: Dr Medha Durge interviewed by Alan V Schmuckler: