Homeopathy in 30 Days: True or False (1)
Lessons 1 – 7
- During fever, someone who needs Arsenicum album may have a hot head and cold body.
- By using homeopathy, a person can stay healthy even though they eat highly processed food and often don’t get enough sleep.
- The immune system is the more modern understanding of the Vital Force.
- Diseases within the body affect the Vital Force so that it can no longer keep us in good health.
- The word ‘homeopathy’ means ‘similar suffering’.
- With our knowledge of the Law of Similars we can be confident that the cause of a problem also has the potential to cure it.
- Homeopathy was introduced to the world as a medicinal therapy after the founder, Samuel Hahnemann, cured himself of malaria by it.
- China officinalis is a useful remedy for weakness following loss of body fluids.
- The term ‘proving’ refers to the growing body of research that proves the efficacy of homeopathy.
- Homeopathic pathogenetic trials (HPTs) test various substances on the sick so we know what they treat.
- Animals are not used during homeopathic pathogenetic trials, only humans.
- Side-effects from conventional medicines can be considered a type of proving
- The homeopathic materia medicia is comprised of symptom information drawn from provings, poisonings, and drownings.
- Once an ambulance has been called, it’s too late to use homeopathic first-aid remedies.
- Ledum palustre is one of the remedies to think of for tetanus prevention or treatment.
Answers are in the forum in the thread, Day 7: Answers to True or False Questions (1)