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NHMRC and It’s Flawed Draft Statement on Australian Homeopathy – 05/2011

In recent times, Homoeopathy has been subject to widespread, misleading and increasingly malicious attacks around the world.

Vested interests have repeatedly misrepresented the facts via media and the internet in an attempt to mislead the public or divert them away from a system of medicine that offers real hope and help – Homeopathy.

Those powerful interests are now starting to demand that Homeopathy be removed altogether as a healthcare choice. Your right to choose the treatment that suits you best is under threat.

In Australia, homeopathy is about to grossly misrepresented by the Australian Health Ethics Committee, part of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

The NHMRC has based this position on the UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee (STC) finding that homeopathy is no more effective than placebo.It has just drafted a Public Statement on Homeopathy stating that “…it is unethical for health practitioners to treat patients using homeopathy, for the reason that homeopathy has not been shown to be efficacious.”

It is doing this without telling the public that this committee was strongly biased against homeopathy and failed to adequately consult with homeopathic organizations in the UK and other international professional bodies before presenting its report.

As one commentator privy to events surrounding the committee and it’s report said:

“So let’s get this straight – the report and its recommendations … is the result of a report ratified by THREE MPs: TWO of whom were NOT EVEN PRESENT AT THE COMMITTEE MEETINGS  – and ONE of the two was NOT EVEN A MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE when the hearings were held, and is due to stand down at the election in May this year.

“This Science and Technology Committee investigation into homeopathy was a set up and a sham from its inception to the final meeting and delivery of the report to the UK press.”

(Complete commentary can be read at Voice of Not so Young Homeopathy)

Fortunately, the UK parliament was not deceived.

The STC recommendations were NOT accepted by the UK parliament, which cited the patient’s right to choose their own form of health care.

Unfortunately, the NHMRC, Australia’s leading medical research organization, appears to have fallen victim to this committees deceptions. Citing the UK findings, it has compiled a two-page document to have homeopathy declared ‘unethical’.

The disgrace is that the NHMRC did not consult with the homeopathic profession in Australia, nor review any of the positive studies on homeopathy such as those found on

Should the NHMRC draft statement be approved in its present form, those opposing homeopathy will then have the means to recommend to Health Funds NOT to offer rebates for patients using homeopathy.

If this travesty takes place, it will affect practitioners, recipients of homeopathic treatment, and the standing of Australian Homeopathy. It will also affect YOU.

We urge you to contact the NHMRC via  OR

National Health and Medical Research Council

Professor Warwick Anderson & Dr Sandra Hacker

Australian Health Ethics Committee

GPO Box 1421 

Canberra ACT 2601

There are many other negative possibilities, not just for homeopathy but other modalities as well if the NHMRC recommendations are allowed to pass.

If you wish to protect your right to treatment of your choosing, make an official complaint to which the NHMRC must respond. (A letter is more effective than an email)

Tell the NHMRC about your experience with homeopathy as a practitioner or client. If it has been the case, describe how usual medical treatment was not effective for you.

Emphasise that it is unethical to have your health care choices compromised for dubious reasons.

We also recommend that you contact the Health MinisterNicola Roxon about this matter at

PO Box 6022

House of Representatives

Parliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600


1 Thomas Holmes Street Maribyrnong Vic 3032

Make sure you include your contact details otherwise your complaint will be deemed invalid. LETTERS ARE MORE EFFECTIVE THAN EMAILS, so if you are able, write letters.

 Remember – If you or I remain silent on this matter, hoping that others do the work for us, our silence will be interpreted as consent.

We both must act if we want to protect our choice of healthcare