I Sniff At Homeopathy – Olfaction Dosing

Sugar pills? Drops that taste just like water? That’s what comes to mind for most when they think of homeopathic remedies.

But did you know that remedies don’t have to be taken by mouth – they can also be taken through the nose or mouth with a quick sniff or inhalation? It’s true, and it’s known as olfaction dosing.

This type of dosing in which the energy of remedy is inhaled has been in use since the earliest days of homeopathy.

It is a simple way for anyone to take a dose of their remedy, or when that remedy cannot be taken by mouth. Examples would be: a sick but sleeping child, someone who is unconscious, or a nervous someone concerned that the remedy might ‘hurt them’.

It is also the perfect way of dosing for hypersensitive people who react strongly to homeopathic remedies as the energetic effect is softened.

How to Prepare and Take an Olfaction Dose

Dissolve one or two pills of the remedy to be given with 1 – 3 teaspoons of water in a small glass, capped bottle.

Shake the bottle 2 – 10 times by striking its base firmly on the palm of your hand. This vigorous agitation is known as succussion and it potentises the liquid further before each dose. Take care not to over-succuss the remedy.

If you are hypersensitive and react strongly to homeopathic remedies, succuss the bottle between 2 – 5 times. If you are of normal sensitivity, 10 succussions will be adequate.

To take an olfaction dose,  by hold the bottle under your nose and take a good, deep breath inwards through both nostrils. If you are hypersensitive, close one nostril with a finger and then take a lighter breath inwards through the other nostril.

Should your nose be fully blocked through injury, polyps, or a head cold, a deep or light inhalation by mouth works just as well.

How Does the Olfaction Method Work?

Homeopathy depends on the transfer of energetic information into the body to trigger a healing response – it doesn’t use the chemicals of conventional medicine. While the pills and liquids used in the preparation of a remedy act as carriers for this information, the inhalation of their vapours produces equally good effects.

Exactly how olfaction dosing works is not yet fully understood but recent research listed under ‘More Information’, provides clues.

It is now known that the human nose identifies odours as vibrational patterns and not by odour molecules binding to nasal receptors, as previously thought.

It is also possible that nanoparticles are being inhaled with the vapour of the remedy.

For those who use homeopathy, especially those who are hypersensitive, how it works is less important than the fact that it does … and gently.

So, next time you need a dose of remedy, why not try an olfaction dose. You too can then say, “I sniff at homeopathy.”

More Information

The Organon, Aphorism 288 (5th Ed.), Aphorisms 284 (6th Ed.)

Molecular vibration-sensing component in Drosophila melanogaster olfaction

Supporting Information for Molecular vibration-sensing component in Drosophila melanogaster olfaction

Investigation of vibrational theory of olfaction with variously labelled benzaldehydes

Smell May Be Caused by Quantum Vibrations

Could the Olfactory System Be a Target for Homeopathic Remedies as Nanomedicines?