Know Your Remedies: Natrium Phosphoricum (Nat-p.)

Common Names: Sodium phosphate; phosphate of sodium.

General Information

Those needing Natrium Phosphoricum (Nat-p.) tend to be sensitive and refined in temperament. Physical problems include golden-yellow, creamy discharges, stiffness, and sourness. Sour food disagrees and there is a tendency to sour burping. Muscles feel stiff from a build-up of lactic acid following moderate exertion. A strong liking for fried food, especially fried eggs, or strong-tasting foods or salt is common. Thunderstorms worsen complaints.

Mental-Emotional Symptoms

  • Sensitive and refined – withdraw easily when hurt.
  • Nervous weakness – startle easily.
  • Reserved.
  • Irritated by well-meaning suggestions.


  • Headache during thunderstorms.


  • Easy flushing. Redness may change sides.

Mouth and Throat

  • Yellow coating of tongue (or base of tongue), or of throat.


  • Sourness and acidity.
  • Urging to stool or urinate after sexual intercourse.

Chest and Respiratory

  • Asthma that worsens in the evening.


  • Urging to stool or urinate after sexual intercourse.


  • Stiffness after moderate exertion.
  • Short and stiff hamstrings or tendency to contraction of tendons (e.g. Dupuytrens).


  • Nightly emissions followed by trembling and weakness in back.
  • Amorous dreams.

Where do I find it?

Natrium Phosphoricum (Nat-p.) is available from our online store as a single remedy in either pills or liquid, and as part of the following Complex (combination remedy): Heartburn & Reflux.

Home Treatment Guidelines

Acute, Self-Limiting Conditions

Conditions like colds or minor injuries, which are short-term and typically improve on their own, can be managed at home with homeopathy. However, in emergencies or if symptoms worsen, contact your healthcare provider.

Chronic Conditions

These home treatment instructions do not apply for ongoing issues, whether mentioned above or not, like persistent allergies or chronic pain. You should consult a qualified homeopath for a personalized treatment plan to achieve the best results with homeopathy for chronic conditions.

How to Take the Remedy for Acute Conditions

  • Take one pill or five drops of the remedy. The frequency depends on symptom severity. As examples:
    • For life-threatening symptoms, take every 1 minute and seek emergency help immediately.
    • For mild symptoms, take every 4 hours.
  • Stop taking the remedy once you feel better. Resume if symptoms return.
  • If no improvement after four doses, choose a different remedy or consult a professional homeopath.
  • For more details on dosing, refer to: How Often to Dose with a 30C Homeopathic remedy.
  • For information on the different potencies, read: Guidelines on which potency to use

Additional Notes From Past Masters

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old system of medicine.

Early homeopaths recorded detailed notes on how remedies worked, including initial tests, remedy relationships, and their experiences. These writings were shared to improve homeopathic practice and now offer fascinating insights into past uses of homeopathy.

Here’s an example, edited and modernised for clarity, from Leaders In Homoeopathic Therapeutics (1898) by E. B. NASH M.D.:

Leaders In Homoeopathic Therapeutics by E. B. NASH M.D.

Natrium Phosphoricum

Excess of acidity; yellow, creamy coating at the back part of the roof of the mouth; sour eructations and vomiting.