Organotherapy and the Homeopathic Use of Sarcodes

Sarcodes are homeopathic remedies prepared from the secretions and tissues of healthy animals. These animals may include sheep, pigs, goats, cows, and humans.

The practice of using sarcodes is sometimes called ‘organotherapy’.

The word ‘sarcode’ derives from Greek σᾰ́ρξ (sárx), or “flesh”, but this root word is misleading: the remedies are made not just from tissue but hormones as well.

Sarcodes carry energetic information about the biological structure and healthy function of the parent organ and when homeopathically diluted and prepared may be used to stimulate diseased tissue and organs to mimic that healthy state.

An analogy would be a ‘spellcheck’ computer app. When a word is misspelt, spellcheck underlines it with a squiggly red line. By right-clicking the writer (sorry, Mac users) is able to choose the correct spelling from a dropdown list of alternative spellings.

Sarcodes do similar within the body; they provide an energetic template of healthy function that the body can then use to replace and correct a malfunction.

Sarcodes are prepared in a similar way to other homeopathic remedies.

Material is extracted from tissues, organs, endocrine glands and healthy secretions and sterilised by boiling or autoclaving. It is then filtrated to removes debri, bacteria, and protein particles after which it is potentised by either trituration or serial dilution and succussion; a new homeopathic remedy is birthed!

Sarcodes are typically prepared in low potencies such as 6X or 12X so that they are close enough to mimic the physical nature of the organ, tissue, or hormone but far enough removed so that the energetic effects and safety of potentisation can be realised.

Sarcodes, prepared from healthy tissues and secretions, are sometimes confused with nosodes, remedies prepared from inactivated micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses, or products of disease – fluids, discharge, or tissue.

Usually, it’s clear whether a remedy is a sarcode or a nosode, but confusion has arisen with remedies prepared from healthy living things like fungi and bacteria. These remedies are considered nosodes, not sarcodes, as in their material state they have the potential to be harmful to us.

Sarcodes in Practice

Theory aside, what are sarcodes used for? A lot, as it turns out.

  • A homeopath might prescribe them as a “complementary” remedy, alongside a constitutional one. For example, a person may need Lycopodium as a their constitutional treatment for a gastrointestinal disorder and other symptoms but a liver sarcode may also be prescribed to support their liver during treatment.
  • Sarcodes may be used to strengthen or correct organ function when that organ has been damaged or structurally weakened.
  • Sarcodes can help when there is ‘too much’ of something in a hyperfunctioning organ or tissue: for example, an adrenal sarcode may be used to ease adrenal hyperfunction as seen in Cushing syndrome.
  • Equally, sarcodes can be used when there is ‘too little’ of something: for example, a pituitrin sarcode may be used to stimulate growth during delayed puberty.
  • Sarcodes also help when symptoms are hard to elicit as with an unconscious patient or infant. Blood tests or scans that reveal a damaged, hyper- or hypo-secreting organ can point to a supportive sarcode of that organ.
  • Sarcodes have also been used to support very sick patients when there is concern that a constitutional remedy may cause an aggravation.
  • And finally, a sarcode may strengthen the function of an organ faced with a buildup of harmful toxins, or during a detoxing or chelating procedure for those toxins.

As you see, the use of sarcodes can be varied and complex so treatment with sarcodes is best guided by an experienced practitioner.

As with nosodes and tautopathy, treatment by sarcodes is not a ‘cure-all’ and many practitioners choose not to use them.

Common Sarcodes

Sick bodies have a lot to teach us but so do healthy ones. The following list of sarcodes, drawn from healthy tissues, demonstrates their use.


This is prepared from the internal secretion of the suprarenal gland. It’s main action is to stimulate the sympathetic nerve causing a constriction of the peripheral vessels with a resulting rise in blood pressure and slowing of the heart rate.

It may be used for lung congestion, asthma, Graves’ disease, aortitis, hemophilia, angina, hay fever, serum sickness, and more. It is also indicated for vertigo, nausea & vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Care should be taken when given to pregnant women.


This is a phosphorus prepared from the yolk of egg and animal brain. It improves the nutritional profile of the body and may be used for anemia, convalescence, insomnia, and neurasthenia. It increases the red blood cell count as well as hemoglobin. It should be considered in tuberculosis where sufferers are tired, weak and complain of short breath, loss of flesh, and general exhaustion.


This is prepared from pepsin, a digestive enzyme. It converts protein into peptones. Pepsinum is useful for a range of digestive upsets and complaints, as well as generalized stomach pain. It is also indicated for surgical diseases, gastric trauma or cancer, stomach ulcers, diarrhoea and indigestion.

Other sources and types of sarcodes include:

  • Adrenocorticotrophin (prepared from the anterior pituitary gland)
  • Cortisone (a steroid hormone prepared from the adrenal cortex)
  • Human D.N.A.
  • Insulin (prepared from beta cells of the Islet of Langerhans of a pancreas)
  • Pituitaria glandula posterior (prepared from the posterior pituitary gland)
  • Thyroidinum (prepared from healthy thyroid tissue)

While this list is not exhaustive, hopefully it has given a starting point for further exploration.

Not a Stand-alone Treatment

Not every condition requires a sarcode, and many homeopaths choose not to use them, but in the right situation and at the right time they are a handy tool in the homeopath’s toolbox.

As with nosodes and tautopathy, their use in conjunction with standard homeopathic treatment brings the best results.

Further Reading

What is a Sarcode?

Nosode and sarcode therapies and their history–a controversial inheritance

Nosodes and Sarcodes

Sarcodes and Their Homoeopathic Application

Homeopathic Sarcodes – Organotherapy