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Know Your Remedies: Apis Mellifica (Apis.) 1

Know Your Remedies: Apis Mellifica (Apis.)

Apis treats symptoms similar to those of a bee sting – swelling, burning, prickling, stinging, and redness. These may arise from a bite, sting, allergic reaction, or even joint inflammation.

Anaphylactic Reactions & Homeopathy 2

Anaphylactic Reactions & Homeopathy

4 highly sensitive people tell what happened when they used a simple remedy for reactions to a yellow jacket sting, a bonding agent, a wasp bite, and a sesame seed exposure.

Albert and the Angry Bees 3

Albert and the Angry Bees

A young boy was stung by swarming bees. His case management demonstrates the course homeopathic treatment can take with varying remedies and potencies over time.