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A Case of Breast Cancer 1

A Case of Breast Cancer

‘GH’ was afraid. She "Gets angry easily, says inappropriate words, usually to those who are nearby. She is a perfectionist – gets angry towards herself if she does mistakes"

Study: Breast Cancer Research 2

Study: Breast Cancer Research

In which study did homeopathy impress researchers by its action, similar to that of chemotherapy, on breast cancer cells but with no adverse effects?

Alison Won Back Her Life 3

Alison Won Back Her Life

Alison was devastated when told she would not have more children after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Read the article for the full details of how homeopathy helped.

Homeopathy and Cancer Treatment 4

Homeopathy and Cancer Treatment

From time to time homeopaths have documented long term recoveries from cancer. Manfred Mueller explores this subject in detail with a fascinating article.