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NZ Dairy Farmers use Homeopathy

The Gray’s favourite remedies include gunpowder for infection, phytolacca for mastitis, ignatia for milk let down and settling calves, arnica for traumatic births, and more.

Silica – The Gardener’s Friend

No other remedy has the reputation of doing so much in the garden. It reportedly improves water absorption, corrects weak growth, and protects against transplant shock.

Remedies for Happy Herds

"You give the remedy and you see an improvement...I don't need to know how it is working, I just know it works" says a farmer interviewed by the BBC. Listen to his stories

Happy Cows, Happy Farmer

Bernie Mannes runs an organic farm on which he uses homeopathy in preference to antibiotics to treat his cow’s health problems. Find out why!

Farm Homeopathy – What the Farmers Say

Here’s a fascinating newsletter from Farm Homeopathy. It’s opening paragraph says: “Because there is nothing in it and there is no possible explanation for its action it is widely understood […]